Innovation Ecosystems
3Digital Manufacturing Lab
3Digital Manufacturing Lab (3DML)
The 3Digital Manufacturing Lab (3DML) is a collaborative space to promote digital manufacturing and 3D printing technologies that generate new knowledge in the territory and deploy the technology in the industrial, social and research fields.
It is an open and collaborative infrastructure with the participation of research staff from Eurecat and research groups of the UdG, in order to promote knowledge transfer in advanced manufacturing technologies.
In this line, the 3Digital Manufacturing Lab (3DML) facilitates access, use and learning of digital manufacturing technologies to companies and industry, citizenship, school, university, entrepreneurship and agents of the innovative ecosystem by putting industrial machinery at their service.
The implementation of 3DML is part of the collaboration agreement signed between the University of Girona and Eurecat. This responds, doubly, to the Strategic Plan of the UdG2030: the sum of intelligences, and Eurecat’s strategy to develop skills and technology with the main agents of knowledge of the territory and oriented to business and society.
What can you find in the 3DML Showroom?