1D-neon Eurecat project

Development of fibre-based smart materials along with an integrated platform with the aim to manufacture new products with multi-sectoral applications in consumer electronics and lighting, among others.

The project 1D-NEON explores ground breaking concepts that will provide cutting edge advances in the design, sustainable manufacturing, testing and integration of novel functionalized fibres into multi-functional devices. 1D-NEON shifts component manufacturing from 2D to 1D fibres, which opens up a field for a much broader range of free form factors made possible by weaving each element onto a multi-functional nano-fibre network.

1D-NEON is a 48 months Innovation Action of the H2020 work programme funded by the European Commission. The project, coordinated by the University of Cambridge counts with a consortium of 14 partners, embracing high-level education, research and tech. organizations, small and medium enterprises and large enterprises.

General details


1D- NEON – Nanofibre Electro-Optic Networks

Project reference


Programme and call for tender

Project funded by the European Union’s program Horizon 2020 under NMP-22 2015 call: “Fiber-based materials for non-clothing Applications”.