New digital tools aimed mainly at professionals in the innovation sector, so that their business model can undergo a digital transformation.

The AfterDigital Consultants project will provide consultants with advanced tools that will enable them to bring together technological supply and demand and will help businesses to identify potential collaboration opportunities based on their innovation challenges.

The result of the project will be an open innovation platform that will incorporate blockchain technology to protect the intellectual property rights associated with data mining and big data ideas and techniques, so that participants can detect collaboration opportunities.

The project will reduce the operating costs involved in selling consultancy and industrial property (IP) services and the effort spent on activity reports, thus boosting digital consultants’ productivity and efficiency.

Behind the project is a consortium made up of the company Induct, Mind the Gap Talent, the University of Girona, and Eurecat, via the Consultancy Department and the Data Science and Big Data Analytics Unit.

General details


AfterDigital Consultants – Digitalization of the Digital Consultant

Project reference


Programme and call for tender

Project financed by the MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INNOVATION AND UNIVERSITIES and by the European Union, within the framework of the call Retos-Collaboration of the State Program of Research, Development and Innovation Oriented to the Challenges of Society, within the State Research Plan Scientific and Technical and Innovation 2013-2016, with the main objective of promoting technological development, innovation and quality research.