Creation of a new alliance for the digitisation of SMEs through the application of Artificial Intelligence.
The AI REGIO project aims at filling three major gaps that currently are preventing regional AI-driven DIHs from implementing fully effective digital transformation pathways for their Manufacturing SMEs at policy, technological and business level.
At policy level, regional smart specialisation strategies for efficient sustainable manufacturing and digital transformation are insufficiently coordinated and integrated at cross-regional and pan-EU level. AI Regio foster closer cooperation across European regions, EU and non-EU countries to make sure innovations can scale.
On the other hand, at technological level, Digital Manufacturing Platforms (DMP) and Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) play a fundamental role in the implementation of the Digital Single Market and digitising European Industry directives to SMEs. However, there are projects and initiatives which run too independently from each other and are missing the opportunity of benefiting from each other’s results. AI Regio partners will integrate existing Digital Manufacturing Platforms in order to help to integrate these into Digital Innovation Hubs offerings.
Finally, at business level, the current offerings of DIHs are limited to Industry 4.0 sectors and they do not focus on Artificial Intelligence driven applications yet. The project has the objective to close this gap by enhancing the network of regional DIHs and SMEs.
To achieve these goals, AI Regio project is following the 4 steps for VANGUARD innovation strategy (learn-connect-demonstrate-commercialise) by constantly aligning its methods with the AI DIH Network initiative and its assets.
AI Regio project is coordinated by the Polytechnic University of Milan and counts with the participation of Eurecat through its Applied Artificial Intelligence Unit and its Consultancy Department.
General details
AI REGIO – Regions and DIHs alliance for AI-driven digital transformation of European Manufacturing SMEs
Project reference
H2020-EU.2.1.1.- 952003
Programme and call for tender
Project financed by the European Union’s program Horizon 2020 under the call DT-ICT-03-2020 – I4MS (phase 4) – uptake of digital game changers
Project website