Network of excellence in data-based enabling technologies.
The AI4ES project is born with the vision of becoming the Spanish benchmark in research, development and transfer of those digital technologies that allow intelligent data processing and analysis.
The objective of AI4ES is to promote the economy based on data and artificial intelligence at a national level, facilitating the transfer of capacities, results and technologies to the productive fabric, providing innovative solutions and services that require secure and reliable access to data, efficient processing, analysis advanced, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.
These technologies range from the storage and processing of massive data sources, their improvement of the quality and intelligent analysis, to their management and secure and reliable access.
The AI4ES network aggregates and harmonizes the capacities, infrastructures and R+D+i activities in these technologies by four Spanish technological centres of reference at a national and international level: Eurecat, the Technological Institute of Informatics (ITI, coordinator of the network), the Centre for the Development of Information and Communication Technologies Foundation (CTIC), and Tecnalia.
Eurecat participates in the AI4ES project through its Units of Applied Artificial Intelligence, Big Data & Data Science, Digital Health, IT&OT Security and Audiovisual Technologies, which carry out research to increase knowledge about these technologies.
General details
AI4ES – Network of excellence in data-based enabling technologies
Programme and call for tender
Project funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation through the Center for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), within the framework of the 2019 “Cervera” Aid for Technology Centers of Excellence call.
Cervera Excellence Centre
Project website