Analysis of the exposition on the foreign information manipulation and interference (FIMI).

The ATHENA project contributes to Europe’s defence against foreign information manipulation and interference (FIMI) by examining at least 30 manifestations in case studies, including the tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP) used by attackers.

ATHENA analyses the behavioural and societal effects of FIMI and assesses and develops countermeasures against the TTP. Moreover, the initiative collects and processes FIMI data and develops a knowledge graph, a disinformation analysis toolbox and dashboard showing the prevalence of FIMI and the countermeasures in action.

Throughout the project, ATHENA conducts a comparative, eight-country analysis of legal and regulatory frameworks against FIMI and their shortcomings and where Member States and the EU should strengthen their policy framework.

Moreover, ATHENA produces an easy-to-use questionnaire that anyone can use to decide whether they are confronted by FIMI and goes beyond the state of the art by scanning the horizon for new instances of FIMI, for signs of the evolution in disinformation (as with deepfakes and chatbots).

Eurecat participates to the ATHENA project through its IT&OT Security Unit, contributing with its knowledge in cybersecurity and the process of analysis and modeling of threats and attacks, and also assuming the role of specialist and leader in the application of methodologies and techniques in the fields of cybersecurity to and disinformation.

The ATHENA consortium comprises 15 experienced partners, including SMEs, universities, cybersecurity companies, fact-checkers and an association, from 11 different European countries.


General details


ATHENA – An exposition on THe forEign informatioN mAnipulation and interference

Project reference


Programme and call for tender

Project funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme under the HORIZON-CL2-2023-DEMOCRACY-01-01 – Detecting, analysing and countering foreign information manipulation and interference

Related ODS

1. No poverty

2. Zero hunger

5. Gender equality

10. Reduced inequalities

11. Sustainable cities and communities

16. Peace, justice and strong institutions

17. Partnerships for the goals

Project website