Development of an innovative range of dental implants based on new designs and advanced antibacterial surface treatments for the improvement of the biomechanical response.

The BIOIMPLANT project has the objective to develop a new range of dental implants based on a new design of the external geometry (obtained from advanced methods of simulation by infinite elements), with a new surface finish obtained by means of a combined treatment of shot blasting and acid etching. Moreover, the new implants promoted by the project are manufactured with a low elastic modulus titanium alloy and provided by a revolutionary bactericidal surface treatment based on silver ion implantation. These innovations guarantee the clinical success of the implant, both in the short and medium term, improve its primary stability, ensure a correct osseointegration process and eradicate the appearance of periimplantitis, using implanted silver as a bactericidal agent.

Eurecat participates in the project through its Metal and Ceramic Materials Unit, which develops ion implantation-based bactericidal treatments, and its Product Development Unit, which carries out the design of new implant geometries based on numerical simulation methods.

The consortium of the project is coordinated by MICRODENT Implant System, a pioneering company in the national market.

General details


BIOIMPLANT- Development of new designs and advanced antibacterial surface treatments for the improvement of the biomechanical response of dental implants.

Project reference


Programme and call for tender

Project financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and by the European Union, within the framework of the call Retos-Collaboration of the State Program of Research, Development and Innovation Oriented to the Challenges of Society, within the State Research Plan Scientific and Technical and Innovation 2017-2020, with the main objective of promoting technological development, innovation and quality research.