Bots2Rec project aims to introduce autonomous robots in real world scenarios for the removal of the asbestos contamination and minimize the workers exposure.
The solution developed by the project consists of multiple robotic arms equipped with abrasive and aspiration tools that eliminate the asbestos autonomously. Bots2Rec also counts with a control system that allows easy task programming, the supervision of the automated process by humans and optional remote control.
With Bots2Rec solution workers exposure to contaminated material is reduced to a minimum while enhancing productivity and cutting costs in protective clothing needed to perform asbestos cleaning tasks.
General details
Bots2Rec – Robots to Re-Construction
Project reference
H2020-ICT-2015 – 687593
Programme and Call for Tender
Project funded by the European Union’s programme Horizon 2020 under the call ICT-24-2015 – Robotics
Project website