New manufacturing process for carbon fibre fuselage frames to be able to apply these materials in the construction of regional aircrafts.

The new manufacturing process developed by COFRARE 2020 marks a new milestone for the aeronautical European industry and for the construction of lighter and more sustainable planes, through the integration of carbon fibre into the fuselage. These materials, which are already being used for the construction of big commercial aircrafts’ structure, imply high costs, which complicates its integration in smaller airplanes.

COFRARE 2020 solution improves the manufacturing flow and reduces significantly the manufacturing costs and components weight, bringing a more viable and competitive process for the application of carbon fibre materials in the fuselage for the construction of these smaller aircrafts.

Eurecat, through its Composite Materials Unit, participates in the project together with Design Manufacturing Spa and A. Abete.

General details


COFRARE 2020 – Out of autoclave technologies for frame and shear tie of Regional Aircraft

Project reference 

H2020-CS2-CFP07-2017-02 Num.  821261

Programme and call for tender

Project financed by the program Horizon 2020 of the European Union in the framework of Clean Sky platform under the call JTI-CS2-2017-CfP07-REG-01-11 – Full scale innovative composite frames and shear ties for Regional Aircraft Fuselage barrel on-ground demonstrators.

More information 

Cofrare 2020 Cordis