Incorporation of circular economy processes in small businesses.

The COMDUR project improves competitiveness and innovation in the retail commercial sector of the partner territories by supporting SMEs in commerce and their support structures (chambers, associations, trade areas of town councils…) towards business models where the economy circular is integrated into the business.

COMDUR adopts a personalized, scalable and mentored approach with the sector that adapts to the maturity level of each SME and the subsector to which it belongs. For example, in voluminous sectors such as furniture, reuse becomes very important, while in food, proper waste management becomes key.

COMDUR convinces the retail sector that developing business models where the circular economy has a place is strategic for the survival and competitiveness of the sector: apart from an environmental urgency, circular economy is a trend in society, consumers will increasingly demand its observance and legislation will impose measures.

The project contributes to preparing the sector for the changes already taking place. While the CORE project focused on the digitization of retail, COMDUR focuses on the circularization of business activities in the sector.

The different tailored itineraries for the circularization of retail SMEs aim to reduce waste and promote reuse and recycling, increase the value in the life cycle of products and generate new products, reducing the environmental footprint of SMEs.

The Eurecat Consultancy department participates in the COMDUR project as a technological partner.

Find more information about the public tendering process of for the technical assistance works for the management and coordination of the European project COMDUR here.

General details


COMERCIO SOSTENIBLE – Strengthening the sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and the creation of jobs in them through productive investments

Project reference


Programme and call for tender

Project funded by the INTERREG VI-A ESPAÑA-FRANCIA-ANDORRA (POCTEFA 2021-2027) programme under the POCTEFA 2021-2027 call

Related SDGs

8. Decent work and economic growth

11. Sustainable cities and communities

12. Responsible consumption and production

13. Climate action