European federation of Data Driven Innovation Hubs to create a common data space of reference in Europe.
The EUHubs4Data project aims to consolidate a the European reference for data driven innovation and experimentation, fostering collaboration between data driven initiatives in Europe, federating solutions in a global common catalogue of data services, and sharing data in a cross-border and cross-sector basis.
The new federation promoted by the project is formed by 21 partners and 12 DIHs, all of them referents in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, that offer companies a unique access to their knowledge and experience. In addition, the federation will become a link and a collaboration leverage between the different regions to promote digital innovation in Europe, with the aim of becoming a reference for the establishment of Common European Data Spaces.
EUHubs4Data, which counts with the participation of the Big Data & Data Science Unit of Eurecat leading the work package related to Community Building, is coordinated by the Technological Institute of Informatics (ITI) and is formed by 21 partners from 12 different European countries.
General details
EUHubs4Data – European Federation of Data Driven Innovation Hubs
Project reference
H2020-DT-2019-2 – 951771
Programme and call for tender
Project funded by European Union’s program Horizon 2020 under the call DT-ICT-05-2020 – Big Data Innovation Hubs
Project website