Implementation of intelligent control systems in four key domains of the blue economy, such as Smart ships, Smart ports, shipyard, and maritime surveillance.

The GALATEA project is a continuation of the NEPTUNE initiative and maintains the same final objective focused on reinforcing and promoting the cross-sectorial collaboration and innovation in the value chain of Blue Growth that includes all those economic activities related to the maritime and sea sector.

The actions promoted within the framework of the GALATEA project aim to promote cross-border and cross-sectorial collaborations between different innovation agents, especially SMEs, to implement intelligent control systems in four specific and strategic areas of the blue economy: smart ships, smart ports, shipyard and maritime surveillance. With this, the project responds to the economic priorities of the European Union that has determined the blue economy as a key factor to support and guarantee the sustainable growth of the maritime sector.

On the other hand, the activities realised during the project follow three fundamental axes of work in the European Union, such as the digital transition, the ecological transition or the implementation of the circular economy model.

The project, which counts with the participation of the Smart Management Systems Unit of Eurecat, reinforces the role of digital and ICT transition of SMEs in the sector; stimulates the creation of new value chains that make the European industrial fabric more competitive; creates new and more specialized jobs; reinforces the role digital transference and innovation to contribute in increase sustainability and reduce the environmental impact generated in this sector.

The consortium of the GALATEA project, led by Toulon Var Technologies (France), is formed by a network of groups representing the ICT, maritime and aerospace industries.

General details


GALATEA – Grow and accelerate your smart projects in new value chain of the European blue economy

Project reference 

H2020-INNOSUP-2019-01- 873026

Programme and call for tender

Project funded by the European Union’s program Horizon 2020 under the call INNOSUP-01-2018-2020 – Cluster facilitated projects for new industrial value chains

More information about the project