The HATCH project creates an online reference platform dedicated to space research. It will make the findings of the European space projects available to a wide group of users, encourage greater collaboration and partnerships between the different agents of the field and generate interest in space exploration.
The web portal will make the findings of the European space projects available to professionals in the field and citizens interested in space-related information. It will also encourage greater collaboration and partnerships. Additionally the portal will analyse findings, commercialise results and generate interest in space exploration and science among the space enthusiasts.
The project, launched in November 2017, is a Coordination and Support Action of Horizon 2020. The consortium comprises four SMEs and Eurecat, as a Research and Technological Organisation.
General details
HATCH – Portal for Space Research in Europe
Project reference
H2020. Nº 776357
Programme and call for tender
Project funded by the European Union’s program Horizon 2020.