Systemic and holistic approach towards the creation of a European Union market for locally-produced circular textiles and clothing made from bio-based waste.
The HEREWEAR project has the objective to promote new materials solutions on the latest bio-based polyesters and cellulose developments.
The Functional Textiles Unit of Eurecat participates in the project developing, at semi-industrial scale, emerging sustainable technologies for wet and melt spinning and their transformation into yarn and fabrics. On the other hand, the Unit of Waste, Energy and Environmental Impact (WEEI) of Eurecat participates in tasks related to the eco-friendly enzymatic treatment for finishing innovation, together with coating and dyeing of bio-based materials. Microfibre release will be significantly reduced via measures all along the textile manufacturing process.
During the HEREWEAR project, garment prototypes for streetwear and corporate clothing will be produced by connecting up microfactories, organised into regional value creation circles, or by platform-supported, networked production resources. The Technology Consultancy Unit of Eurecat, together with WEEI Unit of Eurecat, will participate in tasks focused to implement a phase and end-life processing management (repair, re-use, recycle) and in the development of new sustainable business models.
The consortium of the HEREWEAR project, coordinated by the Scientific and Technical Centre of Belgian Textile Industry (Centexbel – CTB) is formed by 13 partners from 9 different European countries.
General details
HereWear – Bio-based local sustainable circular wear
Project reference
H2020-FNR-2020-1 – 101000632
Programme and call for tender
Project funded by the European Union’s programme Horizon 2020 under the call H2020-FNR-2020-1 – CE-FNR-14-2020 – Innovative textiles – reinventing fashion
Project website