Artificial intelligence in education.
The IAEDU project introduces artificial intelligence to education through the design and execution of four training activities related to digital skills at level B1 and B2 of the current Teaching Digital Competence Reference Framework (MRCDD).
The aim is to improve the digital skills of more than 150 teachers of digital and industrial training cycles, to integrate technology in the classroom and enhance the learning and skills of the students.
The contents of the training programs deal with the design and implementation of the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and ChatGPT applied to teaching, data science with Python and cyber security in data processing.
The training methodology used by the project is innovative, as it is active and participative, based on collaborative learning and co-creation, considering the use of digital resources based on gamification and self-learning.
In addition, IAEDU carries out individual tutoring to ensure the acquisition of knowledge and proposes the realization of a real project to work on the application in the classroom.
Eurecat leads the IAEDU project through its Training Department.
General details
IAEDU — Artificial intelligence in education
Project reference
Programme and call for tender
Project funded by the Department of Education of the Generalitat of Catalonia for the Digital Impulse in education within the framework of component 19 of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR), financed by the European Union – Next Generation EU.
Project website
Related ODS
4. Quality education
5. Gender equality
8. Decent work and economic growth
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
10. Reduced inequalities