Next-generation battery management system (BMS) platform to overcome critical challenges limiting the performance of existing solutions.

The iBattMan project revolutionizes battery management for Li-ion technologies, crucial for replacing Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) vehicles by 2050.

iBattMan, through an innovative, modular, and scalable BMS, improves the performance, safety, and cost-effectiveness of Li-ion technologies, contributing to its full market penetration.​

The project incorporates novel sensors and methodologies for monitoring the State-of-Health (SOH) of the cells during operation and in charging, together with cutting-edge technologies and tools for Vehicle-to-everything (V2X), second-life applications.

Moreover, iBattman uses advanced physics and data-based models implemented on-board and on-cloud for performance evaluation, diagnosis, health management and safety evaluation tools, to address safety and cybersecurity concerns.​

iBattMan delivers effective and innovative solutions for a wide range of vehicles, from small passenger cars to e-busses and electric trucks:

  • Increased battery lifespan and durability, while optimizing driving range for electric vehicles.
  • Precise battery status monitoring, diagnostics and management functionalities.
  • High connectivity and data storage to optimize the life and improve the general use of the EV.
  • Safe utilisation during all modes of operation.
  • Accurate classification for a second life and strategies for its practical implementation.
  • More affordable and cost-efficient battery packs.

The New Manufacturing Processes Unit of Eurecat takes part in the iBattMan project by developing and validating the implementation of highly sensitive temperature sensors in the battery cell unit to improve control in data acquisition with a multisensory platform based on photonic technology.

Eurecat also develops the multi-sensing temperature from laboratory to scale up to the industrial prototype. Moreover, Eurecat establishes the communication protocol with the BMS unit for Thermal management at a cell level with help of other partners in the project.

The project’s consortium is coordinated by Aarhus University and is comprised by 11 partners from seven countries.


General details


iBattMan – Smart, Connected and Secure Battery Management System Enhanced by Next-Generation Edge- and Cloud-Computing, Sensors and Interoperable Architecture​

Project reference


Programme and call for tender

Project funded by the Horizon Europe programme of the European Union within the call HORIZON-CL5-2023-D5-01-02 – Innovative battery management systems for next generation vehicles (2ZERO & Batt4EU Partnership)

Related ODS

7. Affordable and clean energy

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure

11. Sustainable cities and communities

12. Responsible consumption and production

13. Climate action

Project website
