Comunitat IdF Eurecat

The Community of Industries of the Future, coordinated by Eurecat and composed of 28 reference entities in the Catalan manufacturing sector, aims to consolidate a leading innovation pole in Efficient and Sustainable  Manufacturing in Catalonia, by creating a network of capacities and local pilot plants that allow the cohesion of integral value chains around industrial R+D+i.

The IdF community jointly proposes the realization of 5 strategic projects of applied research and industrial development during the 2018-2020 triennium, focused on the fields of industrial digitization, collaborative robots, advanced processes and functional products. These include the IGNITE project, about control and integration of intelligent machinery; SIMBIOTS, which seeks to facilitate an introduction of collaborative robotics to new processes; PLASTFUN, oriented to the development of a pilot plant for functional and plastronic plastic parts; AVINT project, which develops advanced machining strategies and prediction of roughness, and FAMPAI, on advanced manufacture of powdered materials for industrial applications.

As a result of these projects different cross-cutting impacts will be obtained by the sector such as: the creation of a modular, interoperable and scalable productive environment through efficient and flexible information architectures within the chain of industrial value; or the validation and transfer of advanced manufacturing technologies in collaborative robotics, electronic in-molds and nanoreplication, and custom metallic powder production, as well as industrial ICT systems.

Comunitat IdF Logo Eurecat

General details


IdF – Industries of the Future RIS3CAT Community

Project reference


Programme and call for tender

Project cofounded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the FEDER Catalonia Operative Programme 2014-2020