Dynamic information management approach for the implementation of climate resilient adaptation packages in European regions.

The IMPETUS project aims at accelerating Europe’s climate change response and turning commitments into concrete action, developing innovative measures to make its regions more resilient. Moreover, the project explores the synergies between climate change mitigation, supporting regional socio-economic growth and stability, and transition of communities to ecological sustainability and resilience.

Within the project, each of the 7 bioclimatic regions of Europe – Arctic, Atlantic, Boreal, Coastal, Continental, Mediterranean and Mountainous – host seven regional test beds where innovative solutions are piloted and scaled up. Motivated and multidisciplinary teams in research, policy, industry and civil society will address real-world challenges in these regions.

The main innovative technical, nature-based, governance, financing and public engagement solutions developed by the project are:

  • Creation of a data and intelligence space to help in the development of adaptation and mitigation strategies to climate change.
  • Cost-effective and environmentally, economically and socially sustainable actions targeted to support key community systems such as water, agriculture, fisheries, infrastructure and health
  • “Low regret” and scalable co-designed and created with policy-makers, businesses and communities to help ensure their success

Eurecat participates in the IMPETUS project through its Unit of Applied Artificial Intelligence, which coordinates the project, the Water, Air and Soil Unit, the Climate Change Department of Eurecat and the Consultancy Department. In addition, the project has the participation of Richard Elelman, policy director of the Department of International Development and Public Programs of Eurecat.

The consortium is formed by 32 partners from 9 European countries which counts with a great expertise in research, business and regional government.

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Dades generals


IMPETUS – Turning climate commitments into action.

Project reference

H2020-LC-GD-2020-2 – 101037084

Programme and call for tender

Project funded by the European Union’s programme Horizon 2020 under the call LC-GD-1-3-2020 – Climate-resilient Innovation Packages for EU regions

Project website