Production of vehicular biomethane from agro-food waste in rural areas.

The LIFE CHANDELIER project demonstrates an innovative solution for the production of high-quality vehicular biomethane in rural areas, using agro-food waste.

LIFE CHANDELIER addresses one of the great environmental challenges of our time: the mitigation of climate change through the efficient and traceable production of biomethane, a renewable fuel with a significantly lower environmental impact than traditional fossil fuels.

The project focuses on the integration of advanced technologies to improve the efficiency and reduce the cost of biomethane production, while ensuring the economic and environmental sustainability of the solution. This will be achieved by valorising agro-food lignocellulosic waste and implementing a modular and flexible biomethane production system that can be replicated in different regions.

The solution is complemented by an innovative biogas upgrading system, based on hydrophobic membrane technology, a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative compared to traditional methods such as water washing or chemical absorption.

The proposed solution, cost-competitive and flexible in terms of raw materials, based on modular and innovative technologies, will lead to a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, up to 80%, and will allow the cost-effective production of biomethane in rural areas for sustainable transport.

Eurecat participates in LIFE CHANDELIER through its Units of Waste, Energy and Environmental Impact (WEEI) and Water, Air and Soil (WAS), responsible for the characterisation of the waste to be used, validating them in their use as precursors of biomethane, the study of the impact of current anaerobic digestion technologies and those proposed at the end of the project, the characterisation of membrane technologies focused on biogas upgrading and the support of the implementation of membrane technologies on a real scale, as well as the modelation and simulation of the technologies responsible for upgrading the produced biomethane.

The initiative is coordinated by the Aragonese Food and Nutrition Cluster and the consortium is made up of six European partners.


General details


LIFE CHANDELIER – EnhanCed veHicular biomethANe proDuction at small-mEdium scale using Lignocellulosic agrI-food wastE in Rural areas

Project reference


Programme and call for tender

Project financed by the LIFE program of the European Union

Related ODS

7. Affordable and clean energy

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure

11. Sustainable cities and communities

12. Responsible consumption and production

13. Climate action

More information about the project