Transformation in territories and the activities developed in them to make them less vulnerable to the effects of climate change.
The Life eCOadapt50 project raises awareness of climate change adaptation (CCA) at the local level, through the involvement of regional governments, research centres and socioeconomic actors.
In particular, Life eCOadapt50 increases the resilience of the economic sectors most vulnerable to climate change in four economic activities: tourism, fishing, forestry and agriculture/livestock.
The project carries out at least 76 actions between 2023 and 2030 in 19 territories across Catalonia covering around 60% of the region’s territory (around 19,400 km2) and involving more than 10% of the population (over 900,000 inhabitants).
The local and network governance model generates debate spaces through sectoral and territorial tables where the different agents of the territory are given a voice.
In addition, living labs are working and participation spaces that involve public administrations, economic sectors, entities and the local population. Their objective is to define the strategies and actions to increase local resilience, as well as to disseminate the results among citizens and increase involvement in action against climate change.
Eurecat participates in the project through its Technological Unit for Climate Solutions and Ecosystem Services, responsible for energizing the Ebre Bioterritori Living Lab and generating transversal methodologies for the other Living Labs of the project.
Life eCOadapt50 is led by the Area of Climate Action and Energy Transition of the Provincial Deputation of Barcelona and involves 24 public and private stakeholders.
General details
Life eCOadapt50 – Co-creation of strategic action for climate change adaptation of territories and local economies
Project reference
Programme and call for tender
Project funded by the European Union’s LIFE programme
Related ODS
7. Affordable and clean energy
11. Sustainable cities and communities
13. Climate action