Development of a new process, based on microalgae treatment and cork filtration, able to remove nitrates and pesticides from polluted groundwater.

The SPOT project, which has the objective to produce drinking water that meets the requirements established by the European Union, promotes the sustainability and resilience of animal farming and tourism sectors in rural areas through nature-based solutions.

The Sustainability Unit of Eurecat participates in the bench-scale tests to define the operational conditions of the pilot plants and their monitoring as well as in their environmental, social and economic impacts evaluation.

The project consortium, coordinated by the Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA), includes Eurecat, the Insitute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA – CSIC), FACSA (Integral Water Cycle), Protecmed and SAS Nenuphar.


General details


LIFE SPOT – Green solutions for treating groundwater pollution to meet drinking water directive standards

Project reference

LIFE18 ENV/ES/000199

Programme and call for tender

Project funded by the call LIFE 2018 Environment and Resource Efficiency from European Union