Development of novel materials and manufacturing processes for a high-volume production of OLAE devices.

The MADRAS project, coordinated by Eurecat, has the objective to develop new materials and  manufacturing processes for a scalable production in an industrial level of OLAE devices. The project addresses the use of conventional and established industrial manufacturing techniques and adapted processing tools to deliver this innovative technology closer to market.

The use of organic and large area-electronics (OLAE) technologies and components have experienced a remarkable increase in recent years thanks to printed electronics technologies progress which offers solutions to develop OLAE thinner, more power-efficient, flexible and lightweight devices. However, the manufacturing processes for these devices are difficult to adapt to mass production.

MADRAS aims to boost a high-speed manufacturing methodology with new materials and In-Mould Electronics (IME) for a high-volume production of OLAE devices that are more affordable, more durable and have longer life cycle.

The innovative technology developed during the project will be demonstrated and implemented into two different demonstrators of plastic-embedded printed electronics: a geotracking flexible tag addressed to the packaging sector and a biometric photosensor for user identification in a platform of scooter sharing.

The MADRAS project, apart from Eurecat technology centre, also counts with the participation of 11 partners from Spain, France, Denmark, The Netherlands and the Czech Republic.


General details


MADRAS – Advanced Materials AnD pRocessing in orgAnic electronicS

Project reference 

H2020-EU.2.1.3. – 862492

Programme and call for tender

Project funded by the European Union’s program Horizon 2020 under the call DT-NMBP-18-2019 – Materials, manufacturing processes and devices for organic and large area electronics (IA)

Project website