Design, manufacturing and validation of the next generation of battery packs for the automotive mass-market.

The MARBEL project develops an innovative and competitive lightweight battery with increased energy density and shorter recharging times with the objective to accelerate the mass market take-up of electric vehicles.

The project innovation is based on the following main pillars:

  • Advanced battery packaging using a Design for Assembly (DfA) and Disassembly (DfD) methodology.
  • Lightweight and sustainable Battery Packaging.
  • Solutions and processes for the sustainable dismantling and 2nd life
  • Flexible advanced battery management systems.
  • Ultra-Fast Charging strategies and enhanced thermal management
  • Procedures for characterisation and validation of future performance and safety

Eurecat coordinates and participates in the project through its Waste, Energy and Environmental Impact (WEEI) Unit, which is the technical coordinator of the project and supervises the battery pack requirements and guidelines in terms of safety, functionality 2nd life, circular economy, recycling and eco-design. Moreover, the WEEI Unit provides electrochemical and thermal models for battery management systems implementation (together with the Water, Air and Soil (WAS) Unit of Eurecat), an electrical and safety evaluation of the battery, support on dismantling and reassembly, the design of new performance and safety test procedures and the Life-cycle assessment of the project processes and products.

On the other hand, the Product Development Unit of Eurecat leads the modularity and dismantling guidelines, as well as the battery pack design and materials with optimise topology and supports the manufacturing of the battery. The Unit of Metal and Ceramic Materials develops the recycled aluminium alloys needed for the future lightweight housing and provides support for the module design and the profile geometry optimisation.

The consortium of the MARBEL project is formed by 16 partners from Spain, Italy, France, Turkey, Germany, Norway and Greece.


General details


MARBEL – Manufacturing and assembly of Modular and Reusable EV Battery for environment-friendly and lightweight mobility

Project reference 

H2020-LC-BAT-2020 – IA – 963540

Programme and call for tender

Project funded by the European Union’s program Horizon 2020 under the call LC-BAT-10-2020 – Next generation and realisation of battery packs for BEV and PHEV

Programme and call for tender

Project funded by the European Union’s program Horizon 2020 under the call LC-BAT-10-2020 – Next generation and realisation of battery packs for BEV and PHEV

Project website