Investigation of 3D browsing in virtual environments and of an online interface that allows access and consultation of content by enriching it with artificial intelligence.
The METAGLAM project focuses on the research of a 3D browsing interface and on carrying out a pilot test with the collections of the National Library of Catalonia linked to the artistic avant-gardes. The project includes, on the one hand, the enrichment of content through artificial intelligence and, on the other, the integration of users and the uses they make of this content in order to improve browsing and recommendations.
Currently, browsing in digital environments is based on the list format, that is, a set of results ordered linearly from most to least interesting. The METAGLAM project investigates how to optimise browsing and searches if these contents are arranged in a three-dimensional virtual space that is not necessarily figurative, that is, without the need to place a user-avatar in a library and reproduce the movements as if it was a real library.
Eurecat participates in the METAGLAM project through its Big Data & Data Science Unit and the Consultancy Department.
Apart from Eurecat, the consortium is made up of the companies COELI and MMC, with the participation of the National Library of Catalonia.
General details
METAGLAM – Improvements in the dissemination of collections through the enrichment of metadata with artificial intelligence and the use of new forms of threedimensional navigation
Project reference
Programme and call for tender
Project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, State Program to Promote Scientific-Technical Research and its Transfer from the State Research Agency under the call “Projects in strategic lines 2022”