MoTiV’s (Mobility and Time Value) project main goal is to contribute to advance research on VTT, the value of travel time, by introducing and validating a conceptual framework for the estimation of VTT through a European-wide data collection.

The MoTiV solution plans to develop a smartphone app, named WOORTI, to compile behavioural and mobility data across Europe, which will be made available to the scientific community after the project to stimulate further research on the topic. The app counts with a journal planner and an activity/mobility diary to allow users to revaluate their mobility decisions and gain knowledge about their travels, in order to be able to make a better use of their time.

On the other hand, the project introduces a new definition and methodology for the estimation of VTT based on the value proposition of mobility. This approach allows exploring emerging views of VTT that consider not only its economic dimension, but also motivations, preferences and behaviours linked to the broader concept of individual.

The project coordinated by the University of Zilina, counts with Eurecat’s expertise on data analytics and pattern mining. The role of Eurecat in the project is the evaluation of the data that will be collected during the project, to extract recurring patterns, perform a cost-benefit analysis, and provide recommendations to the European community on how to improve infrastructures based on users’ VTT.

General details


MoTiV – Mobility and Time Value

Project reference


Programme and call for tender

Project funded by the European Union’s program Horizon 2020 under the call H2020-MG-2017-SingleStage