Development of the next generation of higher-level meta operating systems for the smart Internet of Things.

The NebulOus project has the objective to transparently manage all the layers of the cloud continuum stack, in an equivalent manner to an Operating System, managing the available computing capacity to facilitate an adaptive application hosting environment, driven by the processing proximity to data sources and optimised based on the data involved, the defined quality of service (QoS) requirements and the regulatory, security or privacy constraints.

Therefore, NebulOus will develop a novel Meta Operating System and platform for enabling transient fog brokerage ecosystems that seamlessly exploit edge and fog nodes, in conjunction with multi-cloud resources, to cope with the requirements posed by low latency applications.

NebulOus will accomplish substantial research contributions in the realms of cloud and fog computing brokerage by introducing advanced methods and tools for enabling secure and optimal application provisioning and reconfiguration over the cloud computing continuum.

Eurecat coordinates the NebulOus project through its Applied Artificial Intelligence Unit, responsible for demonstrating effective interoperability, AI models (for control & optimisation) and security/privacy mechanisms to move EU data economy to the use of continuum processing platforms. The IT & OT Security Unit contributes to the security and privacy of the platform.


General details


NebulOus – A meta operating system for brokering hyperdistributed applications on cloud computing continuums

Project reference


Programme and call for tender

Project funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme under the HORIZON-CL4-2021-DATA-01-05 call – Future European platforms for the Edge: Meta Operating Systems

Project website