Activities between Europe and Latin American countries to strengthen research, training potential and industrial competitiveness as facilitators of the implementation of nano materials and advanced materials technologies in the health, water and energy areas in Latin America.
NMP-DeLA project develops activities to build new skills that facilitate local knowledge; to foster synergies and cooperative programmes with local and regional lawmakers; and to create the EUROPEAN UNION-LATIN AMERICAN Nanocluster.
During the project, 4 workshops and 2 summer school programmes were held (in Argentina, Mexico, Brazil and Chile); the programme has taken part in the most important European sector events; and the NMP-DeLA Nanocluster has acquired 420 member organisations from 77 different countries.
The main result of NMP-DeLA is the LAC-EU 2025 Roadmap, which suggests cooperative programmes and future themes in advanced materials.
NMP-DeLA – Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials And New Production Technologies Deployment In Latin American Countries
Programme and Call
FP7- NMP-2013- CSA-7