Design and development of a new generation of circular knitting machines with total and predictive quality control.

The PRECATEX project implements an innovative total and predictive quality control system with the objective to allow the productivity of quality textiles and minimises defective production. This new system is achieved by using new techniques not currently implemented in the sector, such as new generation sensors and the integration of Predictive Quality Models.

Eurecat, which participates in the project through its Applied Artificial Intelligence Unit, the New Manufacturing Processes Unit and the Functional Textiles Unit, is responsible for the design and development activities of the sensorisation and quality control stages.

The consortium of the project also counts with the participation of CANMARTEX, a manufacturer of textile machinery with extensive knowledge of circular knitting systems and Hallotex, an end user of circular knitting machines for its high-volume textile production.


General details


PRECATEX – Design and development of a new generation of circular knitting machines with quality control

Project reference

RTC2019- 007120-7

Programme and call for tender

Project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and by the European Union, within the framework of the call belonging to the State Program for Research, Development and Innovation Oriented to the Challenges of Society, within the framework of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2017-2020, project funded for an amount of €336,102.00 in the form of a loan and €410,215.00 in the form of a grant, of which the entity FUNDACIÓN EURECAT has received €410,215.00 in the form of a grant.