Predivia Eurecat

System for detection and diagnosis of mechanical failures based on acoustic emissions for a predictive maintenance in railway deviation systems.

Predivia has developed technologies that allow the detection and monitoring incipient issues of cracks in critical elements of the railway infrastructure, as well as forecast their evolution, allowing to predict the fracture of the component once a crack is detected.

The Predivia innovation allows to continuously supervision of railway infrastructure elements in order to substantially increase the infrastructure’s security, as well as reduce the operation and maintenance costs, maximising the availability of the infrastructure, increasing its lifespan and minimising the impact of repair operations.

Eurecat participates in the development of signal analysis algorithms capable of evidencing the presence of acoustic emission patterns corresponding to the presence of fissures and cracks; in the development of a continuous monitoring equipment and high precision models for diagnosis and prognosis based on trend analysis using artificial intelligence tools, and in the integration of the continuous monitoring system with existing management and control systems of the railway infrastructure.

The project, led by Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat of Catalonia, also counts with the participation of Ingimec engineering and research group of UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain).

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General details


PREDIVIA – Development of a monitoring and diagnosis systems for mechanical failures based on acoustic emission for the predictive maintenance of railroad switches

Project reference


Programme and call for tender

Project funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and by the European Union, within the framework of the call for “Challenges-Collaboration of the “State Program of Research, Development and Innovation Oriented to the Challenges of Society”, within the “State Plan for Scientific, Research and Technique and Innovation 2013-2016”, with the main objective of promoting technological development, innovation and quality research.