Cloud-based crowdsourcing platform for massive annotation of metabolites in biomedical experiments.

The PROMESI project designs the grounds to enable a massive annotation of metabolites.

First, PROMESI provides a comprehensive identification of the metabolites present in biologically relevant samples, which will allow other researchers to use that information to expedite the annotation process in their experiments.

On the other hand, PROMESI designs an innovative method to enable translating information on retention time (RT) across different chromatographic methods, facilitating the exchange of RT information of data generated in laboratories worldwide.

Finally, the initiative integrates these resources into a cloud-based annotation platform, using the crowdsourcing paradigm which can be used to leverage collective data contribution to create a centralised metabolite database containing spectral and RT information.

This crowdsourcing platform also can discover unknown but recurring metabolite spectra, that is, unidentified spectra observed across different samples and not found in public libraries. In this sense, by combining RT and spectral information into an easy-to-use web application, a list of annotated metabolites present in the samples can be easily obtained, allowing a large-scale data analysis that has been essential in the advancement of proteomics and genomics fields.

Eurecat participates in the PROMESI project through the Center for Omic Sciences.

General details


PROMESI – A cloud-based crowdsourcing platform for massive metabolite annotation in biomedical experiments

Project reference


Programme and call for tender

Project funded by the Proyectos de I+D+i Retos Investigación of the State Research Agency (AEI) of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities

Related SDG

PROMESI – A cloud-based crowdsourcing platform for massive metabolite annotation in biomedical experiments