Technical feasibility study of the use of different technologies to improve the connection and dialogue with the retail and foodservice consumer.

The QR Connecting consumer project has evaluated the possibility of using QR codes in the food sector to provide the final consumer with additional information and additional content about the products they consume.

The study is based on four axes: immersive experience (360º videos, augmented reality and 3D sound), nutritional, environmental and relational.

The QR Connecting consumer project has studied the feasibility of technologies such as augmented reality and 3D sound to highlight both the final product with additional information and the values ​​related to the food company and its brand.

The technical feasibility study has required the development of a platform proposal to solve the various challenges posed, as well as an analysis of current technologies to meet the requirements of companies.

Eurecat has participated in the QR Connecting consumer project through its Audiovisual Technologies Unit, which is responsible for developing the immersive experience for its augmented reality and 3D capabilities.

The project has been coordinated by the Foodservice Cluster, the participating companies that have formed the consortium have been Frit Ravich and Casa Ametller and the technology suppliers have been Eurecat, Alimentium, inLab FIB – UPC and Inèdit.

General details


QR Connecting consumer

Project reference


Programme and call for tender

Project funded by the call “Grants for Competitiveness Reinforcement Initiatives (IRC)” from the Agency for Business Competitiveness (ACCIÓ) of the Catalonian Government