RESSEEPE develops solutions and services to improve the energy efficiency of public buildings by using innovative retrofit technologies. It will lead to reduce the current energy consumption by half. These innovations are already tested in different real locations in Europe.
During the project, a ventilated façade that generates electric energy though photovoltaic panels and improves the thermal behavior of the existing building using vacuum insulation panels (VIP) will be developed, as well as an aerogel-based superinsulating mortar and a wooden insulating wall panel.
The innovations are being tested in four different real placements in the United Kingdom, Sweden and Spain to evaluate the technological, economic and environmental viability and develop an exploitation strategy.
RESSEEPE is a project started in July 2013 lasting 48 months funded by the European Union’s 7th Programme Framework.
General details
RESSEEPE – REtrofitting Solutions and Services for the enhancement of Energy Efficiency in Public Edification
Project reference
FP7-NMP 609377
Programme and call for tender
Project funded by the European Union’s Seventh Programme Framework research and innovation programme.