Initiative promoted by the European Commission to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and, therefore, to the economic recession.

The ReStartSMEs project aims to build the resilience of manufacturing SMEs in automotive, machinery and equipment, food and textiles by analysing their digitalisation needs and offering concrete tools to adopt modern technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, cybersecurity and the Internet of Things (IoT).

The goal of the project is to match technology providers, traditional manufacturers and supporting organizations to build meaningful connections and a joint transition to Industry 5.0.

Within the framework of the project, which promotes the identification and development of digital skills for manufacturing industries, a skills identification tool and an online platform for distance training will be developed to allow companies to acquire knowledge about the Industry 5.0, such as Cloud Computing, AI or digitalisation of the supply chain, essential for promoting the resilience of manufacturing SMEs.

Eurecat participates in the project through its Technological Consulting Department, which is in charge of identifying the challenges around digitization faced by SMEs, technological support in Hackathons and the preparation of roadmaps for companies who request it. Its Training Department also participates, which is in charge of directing the technical implementation and checking that all the technical requirements are adjusted to the needs of the SMEs and their learning strategies, as well as collaborating with the project partners in the specialised training activities.

The project has the participation of a consortium made up of five European clusters (bwcon, Clustero, Linpra, Mobinov and Torino Wireless), two technology providers (Eurecat and Imec) and a community of European technology innovators (Fundingbox Accelerator).

Digital assessment tool for manufacturing SMEs

Assess the digital level of your company and better understand your needs in the adoption of Industry 5.0 concepts and technologies with this digital assessment tool.

After submitting the test, you will be added to the ReStartSMEs Community, which provides access to free training and support services for defining a technology adoption roadmap for your company, as well as opportunities to connect with European companies.

General details


ReStartSMEs – Facilitating collaborations for the adoption of Industry 5.0 technologies for SMEs

Project reference


Programme and call for tender

Project funded by the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) through the COSME program, through the COSME_COS-STRAT-2020-3-05 call “Strategic alliances for the uptake of advanced technologies by SMEs on the economic recovery

Project website