Sensors and digital tools to improve the management of waste water, storm water and flood events.
SCOREwater project aims at enhancing the resilience of cities against climate change and urbanisation by enabling a water smart society. SCOREwater develops and uses digital services for cities, such as the FIWARE platform, methods, games, immersive experiences and other digital tools that increase public and civil society’s commitment to water management.
Tools and digital services are developed and tested by relevant stakeholders, including communities, companies and civil society in cooperation with developers and adapting to stakeholders’ needs. The innovation of SCOREwater will be validated in the cities of Barcelona, Amersfoort (The Netherlands) and Gothenburg (Sweden).
Eurecat’s Smart Management Systems Unit participates in the project coordinating the design of smart water services based on emerging digital technologies, such as IoT, Artificial Intelligence or Big Data, to provide accurate real-time predictions and refined information. The Unit will also lead the standardisation of the FIWARE platform.
The consortium, led by IVL, is also formed by Foundation of Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA), the Barcelona Institute of Regional and Metropolitan Studies, Barcelona Cycle of Water, s::can, Talkpool, Swedish Hydro Solutions, City of Gothenburg, Civity, Gementee Amersfoort, Future City Foundation, HydroLogic and Universeum.
General details
SCOREwater – Smart City Observatories implement REsilient Water Management
Project reference
H2020-EU. 820751
Programme and call for tender
Project funded by the European Union’s program Horizon 2020 under the call SC5-11-2018 – Digital Solutions for water: linking the physical and digital world for water solutions
Project website