Self-assessment, protection and healing tools to improve the resilience of Cooperative Automated Mobility (CCAM) systems against potential cyber threats.
The SELFY project, coordinated by Eurecat, is developing a toolbox made of collaborative tools with the aim of increasing the security, protection and resilience of the CCAM ecosystem against cyber-attacks or malicious actions.
The main pillars and objectives of the project are:
- Situational awareness: addressing which type of data must be generated and collected, and how it is used for monitoring any given CCAM ecosystem.
- Data sharing: addressing advanced processing for detection of malicious events and decision-making.
- Resilience: by developing new tools to increase the ability to adapt and respond to cyberthreats, reducing their impact.
- Trust to all stakeholders by increasing the acceptance and adoption of CCAM services and solutions, by deploying tools to guarantee privacy, confidentiality, integrity and immutability of data in a collaborative CCAM environment.
In a European level, 50 million of connected and autonomous cars are expected in circulation by 2026, and EU regulations require for cybersecurity certificates for these vehicles. In this scenario, the SELFY project has the ambition to become the main European provider for a toolbox for the self-management of security and resilience of the CCAM sector, providing self-awareness, self-resilience and trust to the end user.
SELFY solutions will first be validated in a lab, and then, 3 scenarios will be built in real and controlled environments to demonstrate the toolbox performance in a collaborative and cooperative manner.
The consortium of the project, coordinated by Eurecat through its IT & OT Security Unit, is formed by 16 partners from 8 different countries including Spain, France, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Japan, Australia and Turkey.
General details
SELFY – Self assessment, protection & healing tools for a trustworthy and resilient CCAM
Project reference
HORIZON-CL5-2021-D6-01 – 101069748
Programme and call for tender
Project funded by the European Union’s program Horizon 2020 under the call CL5-2021-D6-01-04 – Cyber secure and resilient CCAM
Project website