Artificial Intelligence (AI) integrated into objects in the habitat sector.

The SERPE4HAB project studies the combination of printed, hybrid and flexible electronics with the application of gesture recognition technology, through artificial intelligence, in products from the habitat sector, with the aim of adapting and adapting them to the new needs detected in the market.

In this way, it is also possible for these products to become intelligent objects capable of integrating into the Internet of Things (IoT), as well as 4.0 connectivity, responding to the concerns expressed by of the population on their interaction with elements of common use.

Currently, the combination of flexible electronics and artificial intelligence technologies in objects has only been tested in a laboratory environment and separately, so it will be necessary to integrate flexible electronics into the elements of the companies participating in the project.

In this project, artificial intelligence is implemented on the embedded device, thus implementing Edge AI with TinyML model inferences.

Eurecat participates in the project through its Functional Printing and Embedded Systems Unit, which is in charge of designing the algorithms for gesture recognition and its adaptation to the technical requirements of plastic pushbuttons, as well as the hardware design of the device that carries out gesture sensing.

The project consortium, led by the interior furnishings and hotel contract cluster CENFIM, includes the participation of Jung, Rotimpres, Cluster Functional Print and Eurecat.

General details


SERPE4HAB – Smart gEsture Recognition Printed sEnsors for HABitat

Project reference


Programme and call for tender

Project funded through the “Innovative Business Groups 2022” call of the State Research Agency (Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism) and the European Union NextGenerationEU / PRTR