Automation of the manufacturing process and operations of aerospace launchers to increase the number of units produced and reduce production time and cost.

Currently, the production of aerospace launchers implies a complex process and multiple manual validation processes in order to guarantee the integrity and proper functioning of the launcher which causes a low volume of units manufactured per year.

SESAME project develops Industry 4.0 solutions to digitalise the manufacturing of the new European launcher Ariane 6, with the aim to exploit the data of the process to ensure and guarantee the traceability and quality of the manufactured launchers.

The Smart Management Systems Unit of Eurecat participates in the project researching on  predictive quality methods through solutions based on artificial intelligence machine learning.

SESAME is coordinated by Ariane Group and counts with a consortium formed by 7 European partners.

General details


SESAME – Smart European Space Access through Modern Exploitation of data science

Project reference

H2020-EU. 821875

Programme and call for tender

Project funded by the European Union’s program Horizon 2020 under the call SPACE-16-REC-2018 – Access to space

More information


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