SmartEEs2 Eurecat

A European acceleration program that aims to helping innovative companies and startups in the adoption and integration of flexible and wearable electronics (FWE) testing into their services and products, as well as experimentation and manufacturing support.

The SmartEEs2 project, which is positioning as a follow-up initiative to SmartEEs DIH, is a Digital Innovation Hub formed by 14 technological centres from 9 European countries, such as the CEA (France), Eurecat (Spain), the Fraunhofer (Germany), the TNO (The Netherlands) or the VTT (Finland), among others.

Within the framework of the project, the “Open Call for Application Experiments” will be organised with the objective of providing support to Innovative Companies to digitalise their businesses and access new markets by the integration of Flexible and Wearable Electronics technologies (FWE). The Open Call, which will be open from 2020 to 2021, will be addressed to companies, SMEs and startups from different fields as the automotive, logistics, energy or packaging, among others.

Open Calls deadlines: 

  • 15th January 2021
  • 7th May 2021
  • 31st August 2021

To help companies in the development of new projects, the project has a Marketplace with different typologies of innovative technological solutions in the field of printed electronics, organic photovoltaic, flexible displays and electroluminescent lighting for applications in multiple sectors.

SmartEEs2 is aligned with the Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) initiative, that promotes the innovation of products and services through digital technologies.

SmartEEs2 logo eurecat

General details


SmartEEs – SMART Emerging Electronics Servicing DIH 2

Project reference 

H2020 – EU.2.1.1. 872076

Programme and call for tender

Project funded by the European Union’s programme Horizon 2020 under the call DT-ICT-01-2019 – Smart Anything Everywhere Initiative