Revolutionising soil management in horticulture.
The SPIN-FERT project integrates optimised and validated innovations in soil management practices and improves peat-free substrates to enhance soil health in vegetable, fruit and ornamental crops.
SPIN-FERT develops advanced soil health tools and sustainable horticultural practices, transforming agricultural by-products into valuable resources.
By doing so and promoting eco-friendly substrates, SPIN-FERT improves agricultural productivity, reduces environmental impact, and supports climate change mitigation.
In particular, SPIN-FERT incorporates biostimulants and agro-industrial wastes to enhance soil fertility, employing AI-supported soil assessment tools, lab-on-chip devices, automated image analysis, and precision irrigation systems.
SPIN-FERT optimises the production process of chosen fertilising products and improves their formulation with innovative protocols to increase efficacy. The project also leverages agro-food by-products into resources for agricultural production, exploiting them further into peat-free substrates.
The Chemical Technology Unit of Eurecat participates in the project by innovating in plant biostimulants and the development of biodegradable microcapsules, designing formulations based on materials allowed in organic farming.
SPIN-FERT’s consortium is coordinated by the Institute of Horticulture – National Research Institute and consists of 20 partners from eight European countries.
General details
SPIN-FERT – Innovative practices, tools and products to boost soil fertility and peat substitution in horticultural crops
Project reference
Programme and call for tender
Project funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme under the call HORIZON-MISS-2023-SOIL-01-05 – Soil-friendly practices in horticulture, including alternative growing media