The STEA-PoC project has the goal to provide non-invasive and easily applied methods in clinical practice for the diagnosis an ectopic accumulation of fat in the liver, named technically of non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis (NASH). The illness, which affects from 20 to 30% of the population in the West, is asymptomatic and currently requires a hepatic biopsy to be diagnosed, an intensive and costly procedure for the healthcare system.

Due to the necessity of investigating in new detection and diagnosis systems for the illness, the project STEA-PoC will develop two new technologies for the detection of the hepatic steatosis. The first one, a low cost alphaketoglutarate metabolite detector biomarker that could be easily industrialized by means of inkjet printing and, the second one, a tool for the analysis of liver alterations for the creation of new ingredients.

Both concepts, developed in the framework of the project, will be validated in the laboratory, where preclinical tests for system validation and advancing towards commercialization in hospitals or healthcare centres will take place.

General details


STEA-PoC – POC for detection of hepatic steatosis

Project reference

2016 PROD 00045

Programme and call for tender

Project funded by AGAUR under the framework of Industria del Coneixement 2016 (Llavor i Producte) and by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER).