


Artificial intelligence applied to the Barcelona metropolitan bus network. AI4Bus develops tools that allow for flexibility, adaptation and improvement of the bus network service in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area. Based on demand analysis and historical patterns, AI4Bus develops artificial intelligence models capable of predicting passenger flow, allowing the operator to anticipate changing circumstances and adjust the frequencies of the main transport lines to provide a more efficient service. AI4Bus offers a comprehensive solution with interconnected components through the integration of heterogeneous data sources to capture the complexity of the transport system. The project's predictive models provide [...]

Just Fashion


Fair transition for the fashion sector. Just Fashion drives the climate transition in the fashion industry, promoting circular, sustainable, inclusive and resilient business models. With the collaboration of several European regions and actors, the project prepares companies in the sector for the demands of the Green Deal, transforming their production methods, internal processes and end products towards more sustainable practices. The main objectives of the project are: Research and innovation: Generate practical and transferable knowledge through six pilots to accelerate the transformation of the fashion sector. Sustainability and circular economy: Promote sustainable and circular practices to [...]



Circular steel for mass market applications. CiSMA introduces scrap-based Electric Arc Furnace steel products into mass-market sheet metal consumer goods with high-quality requirements. Scrap-based steel production using Electric Arc Furnace leads to drastic reduction of CO2 emissions. It also favours a Circular Economy production model with reduced foreign dependency. However, this is currently not possible for high-performance applications, where the less flexible and more contaminant Blast Furnace- Basic Oxygen Furnace route is used. Moreover, low-quality scrap also affects the final performance of the steel. In that sense, CiSMA works to generate fundamental knowledge on how residual [...]



Green and Resilient European Excellence Network for Smart MED SMEs. The GREENSMARTMED project creates a European community able to uptake innovations for a green and resilient manufacturing value chain, contributing to RIS3 implementation, and helping SMEs to turn sustainability challenges into opportunities and establish sustainable business development opportunities. GREENSMARTMED integrates and upgrades the methodologies developed in the Interreg Med GREENOMED and finMED projects, leveraging the GREEN GROWTH community, to develop, test, and make transferable a new integrated methodology and its related toolkit, enhancing interregional cooperation among the 4helix stakeholders in five Mediterranean Regions (Italy, Spain, France, [...]



Digital growth initiatives for the transformation of the social economy. The DIGISET project supports social SMEs on their way to digitalisation, particularly in terms of AI, data management and new business models. Based on the identified needs for their digitalisation and training, DIGISET prepares and implements tailor-made training programmes, with both a national and transnational scope. Alongside training, support is provided to social entities to ensure the implementation of digital tools, providing financial support to carry it out. In parallel, DIGISET also supports enablers who make the social economy possible, as they need to improve their [...]

DGTUR 2024


Promotion of the evolution and constant improvement of the Catalan tourism sector. The agreement between the General Directorate of Tourism and Eurecat contemplates different actions included in the DGTUR 2024 project. These are the most notable activities: Organisation of the TurisTIC Forum. In this event, which already has eleven editions, companies from the tourism sector, innovation and technological development companies, as well as involved public institutions, associations, and specialised guilds will be invited. The main objective is to generate synergies, stimulate, and create new business opportunities. Creation of training itineraries. Through the creation of training itineraries, [...]

New technologies for sets and audiovisual infrastructures


Promote the introduction of new technologies, integrate them with existing ones, prepare the audiovisual sector of Catalonia to welcome them, as well as provide the necessary human capital to deploy them, with the aim of enhancing the competitiveness of companies Catalans in the European and global markets. The audiovisual industry is in a process of unprecedented transformation linked to the emergence of disruptive technologies that drive the development of a wide range of innovations that have a transversal impact on production and consumption activities: virtual sets, immersive technologies , AI or remote production. These changes are [...]



Promotion of citizen-friendly mobility. The Diversify-CCAM project promotes fair and accessible mobility in European regions by integrating cultural, geographical, and policy aspects into the design, development, and implementation of cooperative, connected, and automated mobility (CCAM) solutions. The project unveils the diverse social contexts that influence the acceptance, adoption, and utilization of CCAM and the main challenges hindering the effectiveness of shared services, especially in regions with unique geographical and cultural demands. The project hosts 12 pilot sites dedicated to data collection and evaluation of the mobility of people within urban environments equipped with existing CCAM solutions [...]



Automation towards multimodal transportation and integration of freight. The AutoMoTIF project develops strategies, business and governance models, regulatory recommendations and synergies that enable the integration and interoperability of automated transport systems and solutions with a view to the operational automation of multimodal cargo flows and logistics supply chains in the intra-European network. Based on the current challenges and gaps in the automated and seamless logistics chain, we work with simulations on real scenarios and in different geographical locations. The results of the scenarios will be used to establish a master scenario that addresses the end-to-end delivery [...]

TDS+2.0 2024


Development of a tourism intelligence system for the Barcelona province based in the compilation and treatment of data. The Tourism Data System (TDS) project manages an interactive and easy-to-use digital platform capable of providing the public sector and private companies with a great volume of trustworthy data and, this way, allowing them to grasp the current tourism conjunction, as well as its historical evolution. With this information, the aim is to facilitate the decision-making process and enhance the adaptation to current and future challenges in a key sector of the Catalan economy. To accomplish this, the TDS harvests tourism information from [...]

DIPTA 2024


The DIPTA 2024 project develops a knowledge transfer system to promote innovation in tourism brands in the province of Tarragona. DIPTA 2024 is divided into four different lines of work: observatory, laboratory of innovation and tourism intelligence (LABIIT), technology and transfer. Eurecat participates in DIPTA 2024 through its Consultancy Department, contributing its know-how in data intelligence, implementation of digital solutions, development and strategic planning, product design and in the generation of new knowledge, as well as promoting collective reflection on current tourist trends and dynamics. General details Project DIPTA 2024 - Development of [...]



The Catalan network of innovation in renewable hydrogen. The H2CAT network reunites the major Catalan research groups who focus on the technological advancement of renewable hydrogen to support them in the process of valorizing and transferring research results to the social, productive and commercial environment of different application sectors. The network consolidates a scientific-technological model to drive it towards innovation and scalability in its benchmark industries to position Catalonia as a world leader in renewable hydrogen, not only in the generation of knowledge and the development of solutions, but also in the creation of a transfer [...]



Smart study on analysis and identification of practices, drivers, success factors and obstacles of transitions towards Industry 5.0. The PROSPECTS 5.0 project accelerates the transition to Industry 5.0 by enhancing the uptake of its principles and practices by companies, local innovation ecosystems, SMEs, start-ups, scale-ups and industrial sectors. The project provides practical guidance, tools, and solutions for industry stakeholders to remove the barriers for the industry to opt into the Industry 5.0 transition. PROSPECTS 5.0 focuses on the following key aspects: Fostering collaboration between companies, universities, research centres, and government agencies to co-create new solutions and [...]



Expansion and improvement of the infrastructure around electric vehicles in Europe thanks to a shared economy platform. The SELECTIVE project promotes a digital solution that allows electric car charging points to be rented to other users, increasing their availability and promoting decarbonisation and green cities. SELECTIVE allows a much more efficient use of the current electric vehicle charging infrastructure, which is currently insufficient due to the exponential growth of the sector. SELECTIVE implements two pilots in Madrid (Spain) and Prague (Czech Republic) to technically evaluate the solution, the experience of the charging point owners and the [...]



Addressing intersectional inequalities in Europe. The FITTER-EU project develops an ecosystem that includes an interactive digital platform with an intelligent predictive decision support system to help policy makers mitigate the possible negative effects and impacts of twin transition on vulnerable social groups in four main sectors (agriculture, energy, mobility and housing). In this sense, FITTER-EU anticipates future social problems through a methodology of creating scenarios for a more solid social Europe in the next 36 months. Through this approach, the ecosystem enables policy makers to anticipate which social groups may be at risk of being adversely [...]

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