The RIS3CAT Media Community is a group of 34 companies and agents from the cultural and creative industries (ICC) working and collaborating to promote and enhance an R+D+I action plan, with the aim to promote Catalonia as an international reference in the development of strategies that boost innovation, based on the intersection of science, technology and society. The Community, coordinated by Eurecat, will carry out 8 innovative projects in the Catalan cultural and creative sector during the 2020-2023 triennium: PICAE, ViVIM, MIRONINS, nanoMOOCs, IDENTI@RT, ENGAGEMENT, EDvidence ZINKCAT. As a result of these projects, different transversal impacts [...]

EurecatMV2022-07-19T08:43:01+02:00Development of novel materials and manufacturing processes for a high-volume production of OLAE devices. The MADRAS project, coordinated by Eurecat, has the objective to develop new materials and manufacturing processes for a scalable production in an industrial level of OLAE devices. The project addresses the use of conventional and established industrial manufacturing techniques and adapted processing tools to deliver this innovative technology closer to market. The use of organic and large area-electronics (OLAE) technologies and components have experienced a remarkable increase in recent years thanks to printed electronics technologies progress which offers solutions to develop OLAE thinner, [...]
EurecatMV2020-11-26T12:28:58+01:00New platform for the copyright management of digital creative works that allows the creation, exhibition, commercialisation, licensing and distribution of works through a new virtual market, using Blockchain technologies and DLT (Distributed Ledger Technologies). The IDENTI@RT project develops new identity management solutions and guarantees of exploitation rights in digital creative works with the aim to address issues related to the preservation of the value of digital assets such as the value of the asset itself, authenticity and long-term digital preservation. The innovation promoted within the framework of the project allows artists, creators and designers to register [...]
EurecatMV2022-11-16T11:16:16+01:00The SPHERE platform, based on the BIM building standard, implements the Digital Twin concept by creating a service ecosystem to improve and optimize the energy management of residential buildings throughout their life cycle, from design, construction and operation. The SPHERE project promotes more sustainable construction processes with the purpose to reduce costs, environmental impact and achieve a greater energy efficiency of building. SPHERE platform presents ICT solution tools that accompany customers, developers, builders and designers during the design, manufacturing, operation and end of the useful life of buildings. The platform creates a dynamic and participatory environment that [...]

IdF Community
EurecatMV2020-12-04T10:42:57+01:00The Community of Industries of the Future, coordinated by Eurecat and composed of 28 reference entities in the Catalan manufacturing sector, aims to consolidate a leading innovation pole in Efficient and Sustainable Manufacturing in Catalonia, by creating a network of capacities and local pilot plants that allow the cohesion of integral value chains around industrial R+D+i. The IdF community jointly proposes the realization of 5 strategic projects of applied research and industrial development during the 2018-2020 triennium, focused on the fields of industrial digitization, collaborative robots, advanced processes and functional products. These include the IGNITE project, [...]
EurecatMV2019-07-31T07:28:18+02:00Collaborative network to develop and introduce innovative advances in the European cybersecurity field. SPARTA project aims to promote relevant innovations in this field, providing the resources needed to improve and strengthen the European cybersecurity industry and re-imagining the way cybersecurity research, innovation and training are performed at a European level. The project will tackle hard innovation and research challenges by creating a roadmap, leading the way in building transformative capabilities and forming a world-leading cybersecurity competence network across the European Union. Eurecat participates in this project through its IT Security Technological Unit contributing in tasks related [...]
EurecatEQZ2019-06-26T11:55:16+02:00A solution for quality management in a production process and critical launch phases, which is oriented at sharing the information obtained between the components supplier and the end customer, with the objective of mitigating cost overruns and impacts on production. During the Gescal project, the main characteristics of product quality were sensorized/monitored within the components manufacturing process, and a system was developed for managing quality control information according to the customer’s standards. The system acts immediately in the event of quality deviations, therefore sharing real-time information with the customer. The solution combines the technologies of big [...]
EurecatEQZ2019-06-26T11:31:19+02:00A service (app server) for managing farms and streamlining the process of identifying workers who work on the farm. The APPERVITI project provides technicians and managers of wine-production companies with a way to facilitate the identification of every operator hired to perform specific tasks in the field. These operators are usually hired en masse to perform certain agricultural tasks (such as pruning or grape harvesting). Currently, company managers do not have flexible tools that allow technicians and foremen to verify that an operator who is present in the field is actually the hired operator; that allow [...]
EurecatEQZ2020-12-04T10:58:48+01:00The IGNITE project has designed and developed an IoT (Internet of Things) platform for the centralised integration and management of all the equipment, systems and sensors that intervene in industrial production processes, guaranteeing the security of the industrial plant's information, both physically as well as in terms of communication. The project has also dealt with the introduction of intelligence into the machines so that they are able to act automatically in predefined events and the modification of interfaces to allow the integration of third-party services. The platform was based on advanced visualisation tools that enable all [...]
EurecatEQZ2019-04-01T09:56:03+02:00OTIOT develops a system for monitoring and detecting threats in OT/IoT environments (Operational Technology/Internet of Things) that allows the automated detection of attack patterns and identification of compromised devices, as well as the possible automated recovery of filtered sensitive data. During the project, a system for deploying a network of OT and IoT device sensors will be studied and developed, as well as other systems for gathering information on threats. Likewise, technologies based on Big Data will be developed for the mass storage and processing of data and algorithms for the extraction of intelligence from the [...]
My Health Data Control
EurecatEQZ2019-04-01T10:25:16+02:00New platform for the sharing of medical information based on Blockchain and IPFS (the InterPlanetary File System), with patients being given control of their data, allowing or refusing access on the part of doctors, hospitals and research centres. The platform My_Health_Data_Control will allow patients to know at all times who is accessing their data, when, where from and why, and will also include a tokenisation system for healthcare assets and services, along with the sharing of clinical data. The project outcomes will serve to reduce the administrative complexity that exists today in the sector, will help [...]
EurecatEQZ2019-04-01T10:31:10+02:00Automated online 3D content generation system based on videogrammetry, the generation of three-dimensional models of objects and environments through video recording, to optimise and improve research, supervision and security systems. SV3D project will provide technological advances in the automation of content production and continuous dynamic 3D video generation, providing delayed content broadcasts so as to achieve real-time broadcasting. The tools to be developed include an online 3D content display platform with editing and surveillance tools specifically focused on the security sector, a documentation, display and 3D content generation system, and a series of software components to [...]
EurecatEQZ2019-03-14T08:05:07+01:00Comprehensive security chain management system to improve physical security, access control and cybersecurity in networks and infrastructure facilities involved in utilities resource management. During SECUTIL project cryptographic solutions will be implemented to guarantee the security and privacy of personal data throughout the service and technology cycle, reducing the window of risk to critical infrastructure information systems. Simulation tools will also be designed and implemented to assist in decision-making by the critical infrastructure security management team, as well as research into new infrastructure and systems security models. One of the most notable aspects of the project is [...]
eurecatMP2019-11-13T08:35:00+01:00Technological tools for the analysis and prevention of risks in water supply infrastructures in order to counteract cyberattacks and natural hazards, verifying the effectiveness of current practices and to propose new complementary or palliative measures in order to foresee future threats. The technologies to be used and developed by STOP-IT project include mature technologies, like public warning systems and smart locks that are improved by their combination and embedment, and novel technologies such as high-volume real-time sensor data protection via blockchain schemes or efficient water contamination detection algorithms. The STOP-IT project, founded by the European Union’s [...]
eurecatMP2019-09-03T13:33:46+02:00The aim of the BELIEVE project is to develop and apply the blockchain features as a mechanism to improve the verification of current electronic voting systems. It is hoped to achieve this through the online publication of electoral audit tests in a distributed, open, and safe way. Blockchain is a database designed to prevent any changes in data once it has been published. General details Project BELIEVE - Blockchain applied to ELectronIc voting for Electoral VErifiability Project reference RTC-2016-4929-7 Programme and call for tender A project financed by the MINISTRY OF [...]