Cloud-based crowdsourcing platform for massive annotation of metabolites in biomedical experiments. The PROMESI project designs the grounds to enable a massive annotation of metabolites. First, PROMESI provides a comprehensive identification of the metabolites present in biologically relevant samples, which will allow other researchers to use that information to expedite the annotation process in their experiments. On the other hand, PROMESI designs an innovative method to enable translating information on retention time (RT) across different chromatographic methods, facilitating the exchange of RT information of data generated in laboratories worldwide. Finally, the initiative integrates these resources into a [...]
EurecatIG2024-07-16T08:50:31+02:00Cervera network of excellence for the innovation of new protein sources for the generation of different foods, prioritizing sustainability processes, the impact on health and consumer demands. The OPTIPROT project addresses the transition towards a more sustainable nutrition by searching for new respectful sources of alternative protein, assessing both the environmental impact and the repercussion on human health and optimizing the technological, social, cultural and legislative challenges. For this purpose, omic technologies (transcriptomics, epigenomics, proteomics and metabolomics) are used which, within the context of food and through the use of high-performance tools, improve human nutrition and [...]
EurecatIG2024-03-05T15:22:07+01:00Early phase implementation for a new European Research Infrastructure (ERIC) to promote high-level metrology services in food and nutrition to improve food quality and safety. The METROFOOD-EPI project allows the METROFOOD research infrastructure (RI) to become fully integrated, legal and operational, for its complete implementation (METROFOOD ERIC). METROFOOD-RI promotes scientific excellence in food quality and safety by providing metrology services in food and nutrition through various highly interconnected interdisciplinary fields along the food value chain, such as agri-food, sustainable development, food safety, food quality, traceability, authenticity, environmental safety and human health. With this project, the operational [...]
EurecatIG2024-09-26T12:48:29+02:00Understanding and preventing the impact of endocrine disruptors on the hypothalamus-pituitary axis in sensitive populations. The HYPIEND project, coordinated by Eurecat, investigates the effects of multiple endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC) exposure in the function and epigenetic programming of the hypothalamus-pituitary (HP) axis to delineate interventional strategies for minimizing exposure and consequences on the neuroendocrine system during the perinatal and pre-pubertal stages. To do that, a computational toxicology methodological framework will be built leveraging public data and state of the art data analysis techniques to define EDC co-exposure patterns in target population. The resulting patterns will be [...]
EurecatIG2024-02-01T16:13:40+01:00New strategies for digestibility improvement in legumes. The EASYDIGEST project researches and develops food products based on legumes with improved digestibility, through the application of physical, fermentative and enzymatic treatments, maintaining all the organoleptic and nutritional properties of the original product. The digestibility of legumes depends on external factors during processing, such as hydration, cooking or grinding, as well as internal factors linked to the composition of the legumes themselves. In this sense, the technological improvements that EASYDIGEST wants to apply to legumes have as their main objective the reduction of the presence of antinutrients, natural [...]
EurecatIG2024-01-18T15:44:56+01:00Investigation of the impact of time-restricted feeding (TRF) diets on the immune function of obese people. The OBESIMM project focuses on the relationship between obesity, nutrition and immune function. It is known that pathological conditions such as obesity can cause maladaptive immune responses, making people more susceptible to infections. Although severe caloric restriction can improve immune function, it often lacks long-term adherence. The project involves an intervention study in obese individuals who undergo a TRF diet to understand how it improves their immune system's ability to defend itself against pathogens. The research employs a multidisciplinary approach, [...]
EurecatIG2023-12-01T09:46:21+01:00Reversal and prevention of obesity in the most vulnerable populations. The PAS-GRAS project addresses the main determinants that contribute to the transgenerational risk of obesity in the most vulnerable populations, including children in the prepubertal stage, adolescents and young adults, in order to reverse and prevent obesity and avoid the emergence of related comorbidities. To do this, PAS-GRAS determines lifestyle habits (diet, physical activity/sedentary activity) and other factors such as mental health, socio-familial and environmental factors, and genetic and metabolic characteristics. The integration of all this data will make possible to assess the risk on an [...]
EurecatIG2023-11-29T12:59:37+01:00Identification of key biomarkers in major depressive disorder to support the decision-making process of healthcare professionals. The OPADE project focuses on the microbiota-brain axis, which plays a major role in mental health and, in particular, in major depressive disorders (MDD). OPADE studies the combination between genetics, epigenetics, metabolism, immune system, microbiome and inflammatory networks to: Establish patient profiles to predict and optimise the efficacy of the antidepressants prescribed with an increase in the remission rate. Establish the possible correlation between inflammatory markers, metabolomics, epigenomics, genomics, immune profile and microbiome with mental disorders. Evaluate molecular and non-molecular [...]
EurecatIG2023-11-29T13:23:08+01:00Research on how intestinal microbiota fights against food-borne pathogens. The COL_RES network is made up of a group of world-leading researchers investigating the mechanisms by which the gut microbiota protects against serious foodborne pathogens (Salmonella, E. coli, Listeria, Citrobacter and Campylobacter). As a result, it will lead to the identification of new-generation probiotics that can protect against multiple infectious agents. Through cross-sectoral affiliations between industry and academia, the network offers state-of-the-art training for early-stage researchers (ESRs), preparing them for problem-solving and entrepreneurial roles in industry and society and supporting cutting-edge research in infectious diseases in the [...]
Improvement of honey production and obtainment of new honey-derived products with added value through the use of fungi
EurecatIG2023-04-19T09:59:41+02:00Improvement of bee immunity and honey production thanks to the supplementation of food based on fungi. This project investigates new food sources for bees that allow them to improve their immune system, promoting in parallel new honey-based products through the use of fungal extracts. Specifically, the project develops the following products: Two solid foods for bees based on fungal extracts to boost their immune system, thus increasing their defences against diseases. Two honeys improved with these foods, enriched with compounds present in the fungi or the metabolites that are formed during the passage through the bees' [...]
EurecatIG2023-11-29T11:57:16+01:00Investigation of unknown disinfection by-products and exhaustive characterisation of the formation of those already known. With the results, commercial methods will be developed to quantify and reduce these by-products to avoid negative effects on human health. During the project, three case studies are carried out to promote the characterisation of water quality, develop new treatment methods and improve the management of water distribution networks to maintain a high quality of drinking water. This includes all processes, from the water source, through treatment and distribution. Climate change poses major challenges for Europe's drinking water supply. With the [...]
Development of highly bioavailable polyphenol based combinations to prevent and treat oxidative stress and cellular DNA damage of diferent aetyologies
Development of highly bioavailable polyphenol based combinations to prevent and treat oxidative stress and cellular DNA damage of diferent aetyologies
EurecatIG2023-02-08T09:56:57+01:00Development of new cocrystals of polyphenols with high bioavailability and evaluation of the protective effects of their combination against oxidative stress in exposure to radiation and physical exercise. Oxidative stress is caused by an imbalance between the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the antioxidant defence, and can cause significant harmful effects on cells, tissues, and organs. Studying and treating oxidative stress is necessary, since excessive ROS production is triggered in some of the daily or periodic activities, such as radiation exposure for medical reasons or endurance exercise. In this sense, some polyphenols have shown protective [...]
EurecatIG2023-03-15T13:38:03+01:00Investigation of the nutritional quality and the interaction with the microbiota of new protein alternatives through the combination of new dynamic digestion technologies and Organ-on-Chip (OOC) intestinal modeling. The MICROGUT project aims to investigate the application of new OOC technologies for the recreation of the microenvironment of the human colon, including the microbiota and its interaction with the cellular and molecular component of the epithelium, optimising dynamic digestion systems to recreate the biochemical conditions in vitro, microstructure and fluidics of the three differentiated sections of the small intestine (duodenum, jejunum and ileum). MICROGUT will explore the [...]
EurecatMV2023-05-11T15:33:07+02:00Improvements in mycoremediation technology for the recovery of contaminated soils. The LIFE MySOIL project develops a competitive and innovative technology to demonstrate the feasibility of mycoremediation to full-scale configuration. Mycoremediation is a type of bioremediation that uses fungal inocula to degrade (or accumulate) pollutants. The advantage of mycoremediation is that it retains the benefits of bioremediation treatments, including low economic, social and environmental costs, while increasing the removal efficiencies up to similar figures of thermal desorption. Mycoremediation is a very widely studied technology at lab-scale and there exists a few experiences at bench-scale, a paucity of information [...]
EurecatMV2021-11-02T12:38:21+01:00Development of a new platform for growth and maturation of cardiac microtissues for adult-like organotypic models. The EMAPS-Cardio project proposes realistic heart models that can help to advance the understanding of several prevalent heart diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes, while striving to be sufficiently accurate to detect drug potency in both healthy and diseases tissues. To achieve this, biomimetic microenvironment, that provides all the needed stimuli, and biomechanical have been developed by combining electro-mechanoactive polymer-based scaffolds (EMAPS) with bioactive membranes. Currently, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) account for 45% of deaths in Europe and are estimated [...]