


The PIG-MALION project develops porcine products good for the heart, by means of the reformulation and incorporation of bioactive ingredients that allow to improve their nutritional and healthy profile. The products obtained in this project foresee to be incorporated in the context of a balanced diet for those people who regularly consume these types of meat derivatives. During the project, they evaluate and select bioactive and analogous fatty ingredients to develop meat products such as Burguer Meat and blood sausage. The execution of the project also contemplates the validation of the effects of its consumption on [...]



The CULTIVASOL project develops new greenhouses prepared for crops in times of high temperature and radiation through the improvement of the ventilation and the integration of flexible photovoltaic energy systems in the structure to achieve the energetic autonomy. CULTIVASOL represents the perfect synergy between two crucial sectors for the welfare of society such as agriculture and energy sector. CULTIVASOL, started in July 2018, will end in December 2020. The CULTIVASOL project is the result of the collaboration between Estructuras Solares del Mediterráneo S.L. (SOLARES), with extensive experience in the design, manufacture and commercialization of greenhouses, CETENMA, [...]



The Near-Field Lift Encoder project develops and validates a new system for the precise measurement of the position of the cabin in elevators based on microwave technology and printed encoders. The Near-Field Lift Encoder system is more robust against adverse environmental conditions and more reliable for the effects of dirt (inherent in elevator environments), compared to other equivalent existing systems on the market, which are based on optical technology. The project consortium comprises three entities: Hohner Automáticos, coordinating the project, the Metamaterials Research Center for Innovation in Electronic and Communications Technologies of the Autonomous University of [...]



The goal of SkillsMatch is to develop assessment and learning technology in order to help users to adapt their skill assets to the demanded labour market skills. The solution will integrate and improve the development of Non-Cognitive Skills (NC), personality traits or motivations. During the project, partners will create a technological platform for assessing and evaluating such skills, as well as for recommending training opportunities for bridging the gap between their skills profile and the one recommended for their target jobs. SkillsMatch platform will offer users a self-assessment NC tool showing strong and week points in [...]



Jif2Land project aims to evaluate laminar flow wings technology and to reduce the amount of combustible needed and, ultimately, the environmental and footprint of air transport. The project contributed to the development of the natural laminar flow wing technology and to test the technology on an Airbus A340 aircraft for the validation of the concept; the world’s first commercial test aircraft with a laminar flow wing. The adoption of this technology on commercial aircrafts such as Airbus A340 will allow a considerable reduction in wing friction and will drop CO2 emissions up [...]



Digit-T project aims to support SMEs to understand the Digital Manufacturing, the related terminology, the expected benefits and at identifying application areas and use cases in their own companies. To achieve this, the project creates a coherent training system aimed to help SMEs by providing an overview of Digital Manufacturing. It will be offered through a free online e-learning platform and a reference book. The manufacturing industry is currently witnessing a transformation as it increasingly moves towards Digital Manufacturing – often known as Industry 4.0, smart manufacturing, factory of the future. It offers opportunities for companies [...]



SmartEEs hub is an organized European innovation network dedicated to OLAE (Digital Innovation Hub – DIH) which will advise 20 startups, small and medium companies to be more competitive through innovation and new business models and will provide support of up to 140,000 euros for their technological transformation and the incorporation of printed electronics into their products. During the project, different open calls for projects have been launched and addressed to SMEs interested in integrating flexible electronics into their new products and services. Through these calls, participants have had the opportunity to get up to €100,000 [...]

Certify yourself in CMMI/SPICE 2011


The Certify yourself in CMMI/SPICE 2011 project will implement the most advanced software process improvement models in the world such as the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) and ISO/IEC15504:2004 Information technology—Process assessment (SPICE) among software development companies to improve the effectiveness of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) industry for a major impact on the information society. Objectives: • To promote and facilitate increased competitiveness between SMEs from the ICT industry through the adoption of advanced Software Quality Assurance methodologies and obtaining the process certification. • Regional awareness: To raise SME awareness of the need to use globally recognised models [...]



Bots2Rec project aims to introduce autonomous robots in real world scenarios for the removal of the asbestos contamination and minimize the workers exposure. The solution developed by the project consists of multiple robotic arms equipped with abrasive and aspiration tools that eliminate the asbestos autonomously. Bots2Rec also counts with a control system that allows easy task programming, the supervision of the automated process by humans and optional remote control. With Bots2Rec solution workers exposure to contaminated material is reduced to a minimum while enhancing productivity and cutting costs in protective clothing needed to perform asbestos cleaning [...]



The main objective of the HYPRINT project is to conduct industrial research on HyLEDs to be able to print by industrial methods. HyLEDs are optoelectronic devices formed by different thin printed layers that are deposited through different printing techniques. In this way, production costs will be reduced, and will be able to apply them to the production of consumer goods and different industrial sectors, such as household appliances, automobiles, pigments and inks, signalling and labelling. HYPRINT is a project started in November 2014 that will end in the first quarter of 2018. The project counts with [...]



The HATCH project creates an online reference platform dedicated to space research. It will make the findings of the European space projects available to a wide group of users, encourage greater collaboration and partnerships between the different agents of the field and generate interest in space exploration. The web portal will make the findings of the European space projects available to professionals in the field and citizens interested in space-related information. It will also encourage greater collaboration and partnerships. Additionally the portal will analyse findings, commercialise results and generate interest in space exploration and science among [...]



The STEA-PoC project has the goal to provide non-invasive and easily applied methods in clinical practice for the diagnosis an ectopic accumulation of fat in the liver, named technically of non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis (NASH). The illness, which affects from 20 to 30% of the population in the West, is asymptomatic and currently requires a hepatic biopsy to be diagnosed, an intensive and costly procedure for the healthcare system. Due to the necessity of investigating in new detection and diagnosis systems for the illness, the project STEA-PoC will develop two new technologies for the detection of the [...]



GO LACTEOS project’s main objective is to design adequate analytical techniques and methodologies to identify and quantify the different types of milk (cow, sheep and goat) used in the manufacture of mixing cheeses. The correct identification and quantification of the milk used in these cheeses guarantees transparency and legal competition among producers, at the same time that increases consumer confidence in the product. During the development of the project, variables will be investigated regarding the composition of the cheeses and the different manufacturing processes that may affect the correct quantification in the mix cheeses existing in [...]

Multichanel Codec for 3D audio


The Multichanel Codec for 3D audio project has the objective of designing a new method for efficiently encoding/decoding (codec) and encapsulating 3D audio information stored into a proprietary file format. The new system will be built extending existing stereo free compression algorithms to multichannel in order to support 3D audio signals in ambisonics format. The project’s solution responds to the need of a convenient and well-designed format to conveniently store, distribute, and reproduce a 3D audio signal. The system will permit the compression of a 3D audio piece in a small-size files, allowing an easier broadcast [...]



Technological tools for the analysis and prevention of risks in water supply infrastructures in order to counteract cyberattacks and natural hazards, verifying the effectiveness of current practices and to propose new complementary or palliative measures in order to foresee future threats. The technologies to be used and developed by STOP-IT project include mature technologies, like public warning systems and smart locks that are improved by their combination and embedment, and novel technologies such as high-volume real-time sensor data protection via blockchain schemes or efficient water contamination detection algorithms. The STOP-IT project, founded by the European Union’s [...]

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