Digital & Experience Industries


Eurecat, at the forefront of technological-scientific advances, to meet the needs of the present and the challenges of the future

Globalisation has increased competition within the sector of trade, both nationally and internationally, allowing for the entrance of new players in the scene. For its part, the evolution and application of technology has led to changes in the traditional system and in the value chain; and it has spurred the advent of new business models, while giving rise to a new type of consumer / producer (“prosumer”).

Eurecat offers advanced technology solutions to meet the challenges of both today and tomorrow. It helps companies to improve their processes and management systems, and it assists them in creating new products and business models.

Products, materials, technologies and innovative digital systems


  • Strategic plans for Tourism Marketing
  • Creation of interactive cultural and tourism spaces with a significant multimedia communication component
  • Research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation
  • Master plans and management plans for companies and institutions, and projects.

Specific training

IT services

Services designed to improve processes and management systems

Big Data technologies applied to trade

Smart management systems

Eurecat has specific infrastructures for the tourism and trade sectors

The Data laboratory, the Functional Printing laboratory and the Smart Objects laboratory.


Elías Gargallo

Head of Digital Experience & Industries