Conference ISF (Dieless) Technology
Dieless Production of 3D Sheet Forms

7 March 2019

From 10.00 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.
Eurecat Cerdanyola

Av. Universitat Autònoma, 23,
08290 Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona

(*) Given the limited capacity of the room, priority will be given to attendees from companies
involved in sheet metal forming or whose products incorporate parts made from sheet metal.

        Organized by:

Why is it rellevant?

Until now, the use of complex designs with sheet metal was restricted to products whose long production runs were able to absorb the substantial investment in costly dies for stamping and deep drawing. Companies whose products were fabricated in shorter series were forced to use simpler production processes, such as folding. This robbed them of the ability to make their products stand out through design, or meant that their products lacked certain technical characteristics which could only be obtained with sheet metal in more complex forms.

Aims of the Conference: 

A. To discover the possibilities offered by ISF (Incremental Sheet Forming, or dieless) technology in comparison to stamping, deep drawing and manual processes, for producing short runs or prototypes in sheet metal. ISF technology is based on 3D sheet forming using incremental, numerically controlled deformations, without the need for costly tooling.

B. To present the new generation of machines designed to implement ISF technology in industry. They have been jointly developed by Meco Machines and Eurecat and enable the production of large parts.

Who is it for:

ISF technology is an excellent solution for companies in the following sectors:

  • Automotive
  • Aeronautics
  • Rail
  • Architecture
  • Civil engineering
  • Machinery
  • Capital goods 
  • Appliance industries.


9.30 a.m.  Attendee registration

10.00 a.m.  Welcome and introduction to the conference

José Antonio Gago, Market Manager for Product Innovation, Eurecat

10.30 a.m. Introduction to ISF (dieless) technology and its applications

Xavier Plantà, Director of Industrial Technologies, Eurecat

11.00 a.m. Visit to the Eurecat ISF lab to watch the first stage of the manufacturing process

Laura Puigpinós, ISF Specialist, Product Innovation Unit, Eurecat

11.15 a.m. Coffee break/networking

11.30 a.m. Applications of ISF in the architectural field

Alexandre Dubor, Robotic and Advanced Construction, IAAC

12.00 noon The design and development process for ISF

Laura Puigpinós, ISF Specialist, Product Innovation Unit, Eurecat

12.30 p.m. ISF machines by Meco and Eurecat

Francesc Rodríguez, Director of R&D, Meco

1.00 p.m. Visit to the Eurecat ISF lab to watch the final stage of the manufacturing process

Laura Puigpinós, ISF Specialist, Product Innovation Unit, Eurecat

1.15 p.m. Personal consultations regarding ISF

1.30 p.m. Conference ends


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