Strategic R+D+I
More than 200 applied R&D projects of high strategic value
Technological innovation, a fundamental pillar to promote progress and well-being
In the current scenario, marked by great economic, social and environmental challenges, technological innovation becomes a fundamental pillar to promote progress and well-being. At Eurecat we face these challenges with a firm commitment to the creation or improvement of services, products, processes and business models with impact.
One of our singularities is the ability we have to combine multiple technological disciplines, a fact that is of increasing importance to be able to respond to the increasingly complex solutions required by companies, administrations and society as a whole.
Whether you are an SME, a large company, a startup or a public administration:
- Conceptualizing and executing R+D+I projects: either by direct recruitment or by taking advantage of the different instruments that the administrations make available for the competitiveness of the company.
- Creating stable collaboration agreements (Joint Research Units): we seek to be the company’s R+D+I partner and encourage stable collaborations that help systematize innovation and establish long-term plans.
R&D projects
European Projects
Eurecat is actively involved as partner and leader of European project consortia, with the aim of collaborating to strengthen European innovative capacity, to seek out solutions to social challenges and underpin Europe’s economic fabric through high-impact results laying the foundations for the science and technology of the future. Within the context of such projects, Eurecat positions itself as a significant agent for transfer of technology at the European level, working alongside technology centres, SMEs and public bodies.
Eurecat has achieved substantial recognition in European projects in a wide range of technological disciplines and fields, such as data science, e-health, functional printing and autonomous and industrial robotics.
National Projects
Eurecat takes part together with companies in such national public funding schemes as RETOS, CIEN, INNPACTO and INNEUROPA to pursue disruptive technological solutions so as to improve the underlying competitiveness of the business sector and promote the transfer of technology to other institutions. Within the context of such projects, Eurecat collaborates in the creation of innovative enterprises and contributes its experience in mobilising private investment and improving the nation’s technological balance sheet.
Within Catalonia, Eurecat is working on a number of RIS3CAT projects in fields such as biotechnology, functional ingredients, e-Health, mobility, advanced manufacturing and ICT, funded with the support of ACCIÓ within the context of the Catalonia 2014-2020 FEDER Operational Programme, with contributions from the European Regional Development Funds.
With the support of the Department of Business and Labor of the Generalitat of Catalonia through the Agency for Business Competitiveness, ACCIÓ.
European Regional Development Fund (FEDER)