Eurecat-coordinated projects driving innovation for industry decarbonisation presented at Metal Madrid

2024-12-03T11:18:50+01:00November 21st, 2024|COOPHS project, DURALINK, NewAIMS, Projects, Steel4Fatigue, Sup3rForm|

Five projects committed to the green transformation of the steel and aluminum industry – COOPHS, CISMA, FlexCrash, SALEMA and ZEvRA - have been featured at Metal Madrid 2024, part of the Advanced Manufacturing Madrid exhibition. This fair has been held in Madrid, Spain, the 20th and 21st of November, 2024. Dedicated project information was [...]

The DURALINK European project will extend the life and competitiveness of the new generation of wind turbines for the offshore wind industry

2024-09-30T17:12:45+02:00September 30th, 2024|DURALINK, Projects|

In order to reduce the costs of generating wind energy, it is necessary to considerably increase the size of the wind turbines. In the case of wind generators supported on floating platforms, this increase could jeopardise the structural integrity of the supporting structures such as the tower or the platform. The DURALINK project, coordinated [...]

The DURALINK project kicks off to increase the competitiveness of off-shore renewable energy generation

2024-07-11T09:11:46+02:00July 11th, 2024|DURALINK|

The members of the DURALINK consortium have gathered on the occasion of the kick-off meeting of the project. The meeting took place at the facilities of Eurecat, coordinator of the initiative, in Manresa (Spain) on July 11th, 2024. Along the morning, the different partners introduced the tasks to be performed in each of the [...]

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