
Innovation Ecosystems

We answer forthcoming challenges

Eurecat promotes both technological and sectorial initiatives, given the need to create and structure innovation ecosystems (HUBs) and the importance of generating technological references for the future of the territory (Centers of Excellence). Many of these collegiate initiatives, which aim to integrate the value of the different agents of the ecosystem, are led and orchestrated by Eurecat.

We particularly highlight the R+D+I center in battery technology Battech; the Centre in Omic Sciences (COS), and the Metal Digital Manufacturing together with the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT). In recent years, Eurecat has also sponsored the Centre of Innovation for Data Tech & Artificial Intelligence (CIDAI), the CoE in Tourism Innovation and the Climate Resilience Centre.

A collaborative space to promote digital manufacturing and 3D printing technologies that generate new knowledge locally and expand technology across industrial, social, and research fields.

An initiative to drive industrial innovation in companies in the aerospace, automotive and health sectors in Europe and Australia.

A public-private initiative to drive research, technology and innovation in climate resilience.

The leading battery R&D&I centre in Southern Europe.

An strategic partner to led the change through sostenibility, talent, knowledge management and technology.

The benchmark for companies in data evaluation

A leading international plant for the transformation of plastic materials

Development and implementation of new sustainable technologies applied to water management as a key resource for the circular economy

Advanced industrial robotics at the service of industry and rescue teams

Eurecat, a specialist in technologies and advanced manufacturing processes

From reindustrialisation to reimagining the textile

The Center for Omic Sciences is a scientific infrastructure owned by the Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Its use is carried out by a mixed R&D&I unit made up of professionals from Eurecat and the URV.