Innovation Ecosystems

Plastic Processing Pilot Plant

Plastic Processing Pilot Plant, a leading international plant for plastic transformation

Eurecat counts with the largest pilot plant for novel plastic transformation technologies in Southern Europe.

Plastic injection, along with other polymer moulding processes, continues to be the most important industrial process for the replication of pieces, thanks to the vast geometric freedom that allows and its low costs of large production volumes.

At both national and international levels, Eurecat is a well-known specialist of these processes, which have gradually evolved and adapted through out the years, diversifing in different tecniques such as: multi-component injection, gas assisted injection moulding (GAIM), injection compression moulding or In-Mould Decoration (IMD).

Eurecat offers the industry experience and technical  know-how for testing, manufacturing and the industrialisation of pre-series with the most innovative plastic processing technologies.

Eurecat’s in-house technology | Sonorus, the first commercial solutions for microinjection moulding by ultrasounds

Taking its extensive and recognised experience, specifically in the field of micro-injection and mini injection, Eurecat has developed a new moulding process using ultrasound, based on USMTM (Ultrasonic Moulding) technology.

Launched on the market by the spin-off Ultrasion, Sonorus is the brand name of the new microinjection solution that is already enormously benefitting companies in Spain and around the world that have incorporated it into their production processes.

Currently, Eurecat making improvements to the solutions through R&D projects, aiming at of expanding the features and potential applications.

Visit the website to learn more about this spin-off!